Botox treatment for vaginismus

Written by Sophie

When I finally built up the courage to discuss my pelvic pain and vaginismus symptoms with my OBGYN she referred me to a pelvic floor physiotherapist (PT). I was nervous taking this step in my treatment, but I tried to approach it with an open mind.

Therapy with my PT was great, but at a certain point, I started to plateau and was not making progress like I had at the start. I was using dilators at home and could use size number 4 without any stationary pelvic pain however, I still couldn’t have PIV without my body tightening and my boyfriend “hitting a wall” when trying to penetrate.

My PT referred me to a Pelvic Pain specialist to discuss medication options. The specialist and I formulated a treatment plan using Traumeel* injections into the pelvic floor and superficial muscles around the vagina.

Traumeel injections are a solution mixed with lidocaine and injected into the deep and superficial pelvic floor muscles. These injections last about two weeks and I felt the benefits almost immediately. The Traumeel solution comes from a compounding pharmacy which mails the solution to my home and then I would bring it with me to my appointments.

I had great success with the Traumeel injections however, my specialists suggested trying Botox** injections next for longer-lasting results. I was a little scared and anxious to commit to both the Traumeel and Botox injections but I trusted my specialist to help guide me through the experience.

The Botox is shipped directly to my doctor’s office from a specialty pharmacy ahead of my appointment. This took a few months of dealing with insurance companies (Botox is quite expensive) but we were able to sort it out and my first shipment of Botox arrived.

Botox injections involved using lidocaine first to numb the area, and then injecting the Botox into my pelvic floor muscles. The Botox injections lasted 3-6 months and I began to feel the full effects of the treatment two weeks after the injections. The experience was similar to the Traumeel injections but the effects have been long-term and fantastic.

Botox injections have allowed me to continue to progress towards comfortable PIV and I plan to continue getting Botox until I am comfortable with my body’s ability to engage in intercourse.

*Traumeel is a homeopathic analgesic composed of natural botanical and mineral extracts used to temporarily relieve pain and inflammation. It can be administered through injections, tablets, drops, ointments, and gels.

**Botulinum toxin, often shortened to as Botox, is a neurotoxic protein that works by blocking nerve signals from the nerves to muscles in a particular area of the body. Botox can be used to relax the muscles in your pelvis that are contracting or spasming painfully.

Sophie is a mental health therapist and yoga teacher navigating vaginismus.


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